Go to the succes..Difference Between People Who Reactive With my ProaktifArtikel this time will discuss about the difference between people who Reactive With Proactive. Know whether we belong to the reactive or proactive are important, we can make as a foundation for success in life, because it is clear that the level of success that life will be achieved by reactive with proactive people who would very much different.

Before I discuss more about the difference between a reactive With Proactive, I kept hoping would be a blogger friend and loyal reader of articles of Life Blog Success is in good condition and keep the spirit and always try to do whatever's best friend all the positive activities.

Of reference that I read in this regard is the book The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, I conclude that the fundamental difference between people who are reactive to proactive, lies in their response to any stimulus they receive. The response from people reacting to any stimulus is a function of conditioning and their conditions, based on feelings. Meanwhile, the response from people who are proactive product or result of their conscious choice, based on the value.

For more details about the Difference Between People Who Reactive With Proactive, I give the following, call Characteristics Of People Who Reactive and Proactive People Who.

What Makes People Who Reactive:

* The response from people reacting to a stimulus is a function of conditioning and their condition. In other words, the response of a reactive person is a product of their conditions, based on feelings.
* Often blame circumstances, conditions and conditioning for their behavior.
* Influenced by their social environment. If the social environment according to their fun, they also will be pleased, as well as vice versa.
* Driven by feelings, circumstances, conditions and environment.
* The languages reactive: "There's nothing I can do", "It's so me", "I had to do that", "I wish"

What Makes People Who Proactive:

* Response of a proactive person to stimulus is a product or a result of their conscious choice, based on the value.
* No blame circumstances, conditions and conditioning for their behavior
* Fixed influenced by external stimuli, but their response to the stimulus, consciously or unconsciously, based on choice or response based on certain values.
* Driven by the values that have been thought through carefully, selected and internalized
* The languages proactive: "Let us look at alternatives that we have", "I can choose a different approach", "I will choose the appropriate response", "I will"

Make it easier to understand the difference between people who Reactive With Proactive, here I give a very simple example, which may often happen in our lives everyday.
For example we are an employee, student, student.
As leaders, professors, teachers, colleagues or our friends, does something unpleasant, which this course will create an atmosphere (conditions) are not comfortable for us.

If we belong to the reactive atmosphere (conditions) are not comfortable it will greatly affect our quality of activities, whether it's studying, or working. In this case we have responded to stimuli based on the condition that we feel, based on feelings.

If we belong to a proactive one, the atmosphere (conditions) are not comfortable will not affect us or will it affect us, but we stick to a certain value. If the value we are studying and working to create the best possible performance, whatever the environmental conditions we face, this value will always be our focus. In this case we have responded to stimuli based on value.

How my friend? Are friends who belong to a reactive or proactive? I have good hope that friends are all people who are proactive.

Last ...
Be proactive, keep holding on as the basis of the value we act, any "weather the environment" or "social weather" out there, whether it's pleasant or not.
Do not let anything hinder or affect us in applying the values.
As a proactive person, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.
Would be hard indeed, but it is necessary to realize that it is part of our struggle for success in life.

As a guideline, as well as Motivator and Meditations for us, I give two Wise words I took from the book The Seven Habits Of Effective People Higly.

No one can hurt you, without your consent.
- Eleanor Roosevelt --

They can not grab our pride if we do not give it to them.
- Gandhi --

Thus my article this time, may provide positive benefits for a friend.

Success Always,