SUCCESS IS ALWAYS TIMES HOW I WILL change MEMBAS BE A FAILURE OF A SUCCESS .. please read ... Anthony Robbins in his book Unlimited Power, said that most people in our culture is programmed to fear failure. In fact, we all want something but get something else.

We have all failed the test, suffered the frustrations of love that does not work, arrange business plan and then fail. Said the results "used that's what successful people, they do not see failure. They do not believe in failure. That does not count them. Success is the opposite of failure. Success really is the social status or just an achievement that has been achieved from a goal or target

People always get the kind of success. Super successes of our culture is not the person who did not fail, but people who know that they try something and do not get what they want, they get a learning experience. They use what they have learned it and try something else. They take new actions and produce new results. Abraham Lincoln suffered at least a minimum of 11 major failures before he became President. Asa Candler the buyer the right packaging of Coca-Cola had failed to market the drink at a soda factory in 1899. Steve Jobs by not licensing the Macintosh operating system to the other party to fail to master the operating system that is now held by Microsoft, even Steve Jobs himself had been expelled from Apple. Akio Morita of Sony also have failed because they do not want to license its Betamax video is better than artificial Matshushita VHS. Sekarng existing video is VHS, because Matshushita would license its technology to other parties. Warren Bennis of the Xerox had failed because it decided not to sell the PC, but Xerox has a better technology than others. Henry Ford failed in producing and marketing of ships and aircraft compared to produce and market cars. Soichiro Honda declared that the other person knows about her success was only 1% when 99% failure is not known.

One of the useful asset today than yesterday is experience. People are afraid to fail will behave to not do something that may not be effective. This is what prevents them from taking actions that could guarantee the achievement of their desires. People who believe the failure was almost guaranteed mediocre existence. Failure is something that just is not perceived by the people who achieve greatness. They are not sunk by the failure. They do not attach negative emotions to something that is not effective. So failure was not really there, but that there are results that are inconsistent with what we want and the true success is when we are able to achieve its intended purpose of God.