Read for a while in a following article useful.... hopefully for the readers as well ...!!
Definition of Effectiveness: The story of The Goose And Eggs Like gold previous articles, this article titled Definition of Effectiveness: The story of The Goose And The Golden Eggs I also wrote on a great book, The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People.

Before I continue, I hope this article meet blogger friends and loyal readers articles Success Life Blog, to be healthy and keep the spirit of the swinging step through step by step way, in life success during this dicitacitakan.

At the time saw the title of this article, perhaps best of all ask, what to do with the story Definitions Effectiveness of Goose And The Golden Egg? This title is I choose based on my conclusion after reading the book The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People on the definition of effectiveness, which in the book, the story is appointed to facilitate the reader in understanding a principle - Basic Definitions Effectiveness.

The following Acts of Goose And The Golden Egg:

This fable tells of a poor farmer who one day found a golden egg shining the nest pet goose. At first he thought it would kind of trick. But, when he would throw it, he thought again and took her home to examine it. Egg was pure gold! The farmer could not believe his luck. He increasingly became not believe when the next day repeat the experience again. Day after day, he got up and rushed to the nest and find another golden egg. He became very rich. all this seems like the impossible become reality.

But when he arose richer nature of greed and impatience. Can not wait for day after day to get the golden egg, the farmer finally decided to kill the goose and scooped up all the golden eggs at once. But when he opened the goose's stomach, it was empty. There is no golden egg, and now there is no way to get another golden egg. The farmer has destroyed the goose that produces the golden eggs are.

In the fable on the look of a natural law, a principle - Basic Definition of Effectiveness. Many people see the effectiveness of the golden egg paradigm, where the more we produce, the more we work, the more effective we become.

However, the above fable shows that the true effectiveness is a function of two things: what is produced or manufactured (golden eggs) and the assets that produce or production capacity (goose).

If we use the pattern of life that focuses on the golden egg and ignore the goose, we will soon lose the asset that produces golden eggs. Conversely, if we only care regardless the goose golden eggs, we will not have the necessary supplies to support our lives.

Effectiveness lies in the balance - what is called the balance of P / KP. Where P = production of the desired result, namely the golden egg, and KP = Production capacity, capability or assets to produce the golden egg.

To more easily understand the definition of effectiveness, I will give examples of very simple, which hopefully we can make a material Meditations to measure our effectiveness.

The first example:
We as an employee: For highly motivated to pursue a career, sometimes we are sure to ask our health.
In this case: P = Career, and KP = our own self in relation to health.
The level of competition in the work environment, work almost deadlines, complaint from a client, it forces us to work even harder, so that health slowly We also neglected. If this continues left, clear the performance and productivity we shall decline, and it makes sense when we eventually will lose even own career opportunities.
Balance P / KP (effectiveness) in this example is: We do have to work hard to pursue a career, but we also should not ignore the very valuable asset, which in this case is to our health.

Example two:
On physical assets such as vehicles, especially for friends or bloggers, such as computers that are like 'heart' for the activity of a blogger.
In this case: P = purpose and benefits of the use of physical assets, and KP = Physical assets themselves.
Balance P / KP (effectiveness) in this example is: We should optimize the use of physical assets that we have to achieve our goals and desires, but we also have to do maintenance is good and right to physical assets.

Now a blogger friend and loyal reader of articles of Life Success Blog, consider the balance of P / KP (Effectiveness) Companions all, whatever it is, and be effective, so with him, I have good hope, 'the golden egg that we will get every day' in success of our journey of life.

Thus my article this time, may provide positive benefits for a friend.

Success Always,